Product Recommendations

I have had a lot of my Friends, Family and Clients ask me for product recommendations for self grooming, skin care, makeup, and hairstyling. As an Amazon associate* here is a compilation of a few of the products that I have personally used and have benefitted from.

 Skin Care

Here are some of my favorite skin care recommendations that I use to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin of my clients right before applying makeup…

Please do read the description, ingredients and labels on all the recommended products to check if its suitable for your skin type before purchasing them! Thanks for your support!


Cleansing is the first step in the CTM process to clean any existing product/dirt/dry skin and prevent any damage to skin before applying makeup


Toning is the second step in the CTM process to wake up the skin and nourish it with the nutrients


Moisturizing is the third and final step in prepping the skin for a perfect radiant makeup finish

 Makeup Application


Don’t forget to pick the right shade for your skin!!


Eye makeup

Lip Makeup

Makeup Brushes

Don’t forget to clean your brushes at least once a week to prevent product/contamination buildup that might damage your skin!

 Hair Styling

Hair Care

Hair tools


*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefited from personally. Thank you for your support